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As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

Ephesians 4:16, New American Standard Bible 1995

The desire of You Are Worthy Ministries is to help the Body of Christ move past being only converts into Christianity to passionate disciples of Jesus. By offering more experienced believers opportunities to be equipped and trained in fostering healthy relationships with less experienced believers. We believe this is the practical approach to bringing about the fullness of the mature body of Christ in Ephesians 4:16.

Mentorship through the lens of reconciliation focuses on believers walking together, spurring one another on to love and good deeds. As we grow together in becoming His disciples, the nature of Christ comes forth in us. Each mentoring relationship is unique and personal to help facilitate growth in five foundations of the faith: devotion to the word, devotion to prayer, sharing of the gospel, expecting miracles, and sharing in the fellowship of the suffering of Christ.

Practically, we offer opportunities to be connected with trained mentors that will help facilitate personalized and Spirit-led instruction and encouragement. Mentors will focus on utilizing the Five Foundations of the Faith as a framework to help recipients advance their personal journey with the Lord. Mentorship can occur at any stage of maturity, as it is intended to both challenge and invite the recipient to take their next step in towards Christlikeness.

You Are Worthy Ministries does not offer professional, psychological, psychiatric, or medical therapy. We support these fields as beneficial but do not offer them specifically through the ministry.

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Season of Mentorship Pathway

Five Foundations of the Faith

You Are Worthy Ministries stands on the Five Foundations of the Faith. These foundations were originally introduced to us from a teaching by Francis Chan at the 2015 OneThing conference in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Devotion to the Word of God

Devotion is much more than just reading the Bible consistently. It includes a lifestyle commitment to the history, the ways, and the thoughts of the One who is the Word. We study to understand His nature through the scriptures and develop steadfastness in Him. The more familiar a person becomes with the Word, the easier it is to discern and obey the Spirit, regardless of the level of distortion or darkness around them.

Devotion to Prayer

Prayer is unique in each believer's life but should vary in expression, time, approach, and experience, just as communication in any relationship. It is easy to get into the rut of ritual without the ebb and flow of a relationship with an invisible God. Learning to listen and share with the Lord openly are significant aspects of prayer many find difficult. Identifying how to grow, whether in personal interaction, tongues, intercession, corporate expression, or intentionality, is crucial for every believer.

Every Believer is to Share the Gospel

Many believers have understood that inviting someone to church is sufficient to fulfill this foundation. However, that does not seem to be the heart behind the great commission. We must include giving an account for one's faith, leading others into a salvation experience, or understanding that testimony and helping others with discipleship is an expected part of the transformation into Christlikeness. It is the testifying of the Truth of the Lord's nature that we share, which includes but is not limited to the cross.

The Regular Expectations of the Miraculous

Throughout the scriptures, the accounts of a life lived according to the Lord's ways always include the testimony of miracles, signs, and wonders. His nature remains the same, but many find themselves influenced by the age of science and logic, dismissing His actions or giving credit to other forces. A believer's life should include acknowledgment and demonstration of the miraculous. One must first have eyes to see and ears to hear, followed by a heart committed to obedience for this to happen in the way the Lord intended. 

Embracing Suffering for the Glory of Christ

Suffering is the cost of laying down one's life for something greater or someone other than yourself. Jesus demonstrated a life of sacrifice to glorify the Father; we cannot express less as believers. Suffering looks different in every believer's life, but we cannot offer Him our lives as a sacrifice and expect it to cost us nothing. Jesus was clear: count the cost of being my disciple. For some, this means even giving up their physical lives. For others, it may look like worldly dreams, relationships, reputation, or other worldly gains. Paul instructs that it is worth losing all to gain Christ(likeness). Jesus demonstrated this practically by choosing obedience to the Spirit of God over the lust of the flesh or desire for worldly gain. 


We offer opportunities for individuals to receive personal mentorship. We also offer classes, workshops, and online teachings as tools to support the ongoing growth of the Body of Christ in Biblical understanding of both discipleship and intimate relationship with the Lord.

Ways to Connect

At this time, we are not currently taking applicants.


We approach training in Mentorship through the framework of the Five Foundations of the Faith that we believe are essential to every believer's personal journey with the Lord. We contend against co-dependent practices in mentoring by training mentors to help others grow in their identity in Christ rather than duplicating themselves.

Ways to Connect

If you would like to be contacted for more information about training in mentorship, please submit the following:

Thanks for submitting!


We offer opportunities for those who have trained as mentors to serve the Body of Christ in various capacities, honoring the supply God has put in them to meet the needs of His people. Trained mentors are needed throughout the Body of Christ to support families, marriages, business leaders, housewives, and young adults. All believers can benefit from the accountability and investment of others in their life. Likewise, all mentors can benefit from the greater accountability and perspective that comes from walking alongside another.

Ways to Connect

If you are interested in connecting with our teams locally or through our online platform, please submit the following information.

Resources List

You Are Worthy Ministries has multiple videos of teachings and tools regarding Inner Healing and Deliverance. Click below to find out more!

Below is a list of authors and resources that could be helpful in growing in and further developing an understanding of Inner Healing and Deliverance. You Are Worthy Ministries does not endorse these authors but we encourage everyone to learn and grow from resources outside of our ministry.


by Henry Cloud

Search for Significance

by Robert McGee

Experiencing God

by Henry T. Blackaby

Healing the Orphan Spirit

by Leif Hetland

The Bait of Satan

by John Bevere

Honor's Reward

by John Bevere

Spiritual Authority

by Watchman Nee

Growing in the Prophetic

by Mike Bickle

Understanding the Dreams You Dream, Vol 1 & 2

by Ira Milligan

The Voice of God

by Cindy Jacobs

Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry

by Kris Vallotton

All May Prophesy- Understanding Prophecy

by Roy Ralph

User Friendly Prophecy

by Larry Randolph

Book of Mysteries

by Jonathan Cahn

Release of the Spirit

by Watchman Nee

Bearing God's Image

by Dr. Carmen Imes

Without Rival

by Lisa Bevere

Abba's Child

by Brennan Manning

Case for Christ

by Lee Strobel

The Love Dare

by Alex and Stephen Kendrick

Battlefield of the Mind

by Joyce Meyer

The Practice of the Presence of the Lord

by Brother Lawrence


by Reese Howell

The Gifts of the Spirit

by Derek Prince

The Three Battlegrounds

by Francis Frangipane

Personal Prophecy Series

by Bill Hamon

Birthing the Miraculous

by Heidi Baker

The Lifestyle of a Prophet

by James Goll

The Prophetic Voice of God

by Lana Vawser

The Handmaiden's Conspiracy

by Donna Lee Howell

One Race, One Blood

by Ken Ham and A. Charles Ware

Compelled by Love

by Heidi Baker

Final Quest Trilogy

by Rick Joyner

Three Battlegrounds

by Francis Frangipane

Supernatural Realm

by Dr. Michael Heiser

The Shack

by William P. Young

Jesus, the Pattern Son

by Bill Britton

The Spirit Filled Believer's Handbook

by Derek Prince

You All May Prophesy

by Steve Thompson

The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit

by Lester Sumrall

Hosting the Presence

by Bill Johnson

The Word of Knowledge in Action

by Art Thomas

Smith Wigglesworth on Spiritual Gifts

by Smith Wigglesworth

Unseen Realm

by Dr. Michael Heiser

Crazy Love

by Francis Chan

I Give You Authority

by Charles B. Kraft

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