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Inner Healing and Deliverance

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners;

To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn,

To grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.

Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former devastations; and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.

Isaiah 61:1-4, New American Standard Bible 1995

Our Approach

The desire of You Are Worthy Ministries is to exalt Jesus by helping the Body of Christ move past the lies of the enemy and former traumas, thereby also acknowledging individual and corporate value according to the promises found in Isaiah 61:1-4.

Inner Healing and Deliverance through the lens of reconciliation focuses on knowing the Lord as He is in Spirit and truth. Spiritual and emotional woundings and alignments with the kingdom of darkness lead to deception about the true nature of God if left unhealed. We believe only Holy Spirit can search a person's soul and know how to help them exchange the pain of this world for the justice of Jesus.


Practically, we offer a discipleship-focused Spirit-led personalized approach in ministry. Although we do address the casting out of unclean spirits when necessary, our primary focus will always be reconciling relationship between individuals and the Lord. We confidently believe inner healing and deliverance provides the greatest opportunity for many to move forward in addressing the areas hindering the fullness of relationship with the Lord.


You Are Worthy Ministries does not offer professional, psychological, psychiatric, or medical therapy. We support these fields as beneficial but do not offer them specifically through the ministry.


We equip the Body of Christ through facilitating personal interactions to receive revelation of the Lord's character, revealing of demonic strongholds and the casting out of unclean spirits. We do this by a Spirit-led personalized approach that allows the recipient to personally encounter the Lord while under the safe oversight of trained facilitators and teachers.


We approach training in Inner Healing and Deliverance from a Biblical perspective with practical tools as a support. Offering practical-application one day workshops on forgiveness, practitioner training for organizations needing Spirit-led trauma-informed approaches, and in-depth classes, we offer next-step training for people at all stages of maturity and understanding. Our trainings focus on growing in understanding of both the Kingdom of God and kingdom of darkness protocols, as well as how to facilitate reconciliation of one's self and others with the Lord.


We offer opportunities for those who have completed our 14-week Inner Healing and Deliverance Class to apply for a seven-month hands-on internship with those receiving healing through the ministry. All interns are paired with facilitators that oversee and model healthy ministry practices. After completing internship, one may choose to stay on with You Are Worthy Ministries as a facilitator assisting in the equipping and training of others.

Resources List

You Are Worthy Ministries has multiple videos of teachings and tools regarding Inner Healing and Deliverance. Click below to find out more!

Below is a list of authors and resources that could be helpful in growing in and further developing an understanding of Inner Healing and Deliverance. You Are Worthy Ministries does not endorse these authors but we encourage everyone to learn and grow from resources outside of our ministry.


by Henry Cloud

Search for Significance

by Robert McGee

Experiencing God

by Henry T. Blackaby

Healing the Orphan Spirit

by Leif Hetland

Unseen Realm

by Dr. Michael Heiser

Spiritual Authority

by Watchman Nee

Without Rival

by Lisa Bevere

Abba's Child

by Brennan Manning

Case for Christ

by Lee Strobel

Bearing God's Name

by Carmen Imes

Battlefield of the Mind

by Joyce Meyer

The Practice of the Presence of the Lord

by Brother Lawrence


by Francis Frangipane

Final Quest Trilogy

by Rick Joyner

Three Battlegrounds

by Francis Frangipane

The Body Keeps the Score

by Bessel Vanderkolk

The Shack

by William P. Young

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