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Four Pillars

You Are Worthy Ministries is a Kingdom of God equipping ministry dedicated to bringing people into their next step with their faith walk. We focus on four primary pillars: inner healing and deliverance, mentorship, prophetic anointing, and worship. To foster growth in these pillars, we offer equipping opportunities, training classes and workshops, and activate people into practical ministry.



Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

- 2 Corinthians 5:17-19, New American Standard Bible 1995

We believe the goal of this life is about growing in knowing God, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering (Philippians 3:10). In ministry, this means helping others receive the fullness of the good news of the gospel that is accessed only through the cross. Reconciliation is the journey of exchanging the temporal experience for the eternal glory of relationship with our Lord. Learning how to fix our eyes on Jesus as we walk in the plans and purposes prepared for each one of us, we find ourselves unable to do anything but declare Him worthy of all things. We incorporate these concepts of reconciliation as the goal of all aspects of ministry as commissioned ambassadors.

Our ETAs

Each You Are Worthy Ministries Pillar is broken into three components. These three components offer specific opportunities to individuals to receive, grow, and function through the Lord in ministry.


We offer opportunities for individuals and groups to advance their relationship with the Lord through trained facilitators, leaders, and teachers both online and in person.


We offer Biblically based learning opportunities with hands-on experience in order to help individuals and groups increase their participation in advancing the Kingdom of God.


We provide opportunities for those trained in our ministry to actively function in a variety of ministry opportunities under the oversight of You Are Worthy Ministries' safety and accountability.

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Inner Healing and Deliverance through the lens of reconciliation focuses on knowing the Lord as He is in Spirit and truth. Spiritual and emotional woundings and alignments with the kingdom of darkness lead to deception about the true nature of God if left unhealed. We believe only Holy Spirit can search a person's soul and know how to help them exchange the pain of this world for the justice of Jesus.

Mentorship through the lens of reconciliation focuses on believers walking together, spurring one another on to love and good deeds. As we grow together in becoming His disciples, the nature of Christ comes forth in us. Each mentoring relationship is unique and personal to help facilitate growth in five foundations of the faith: devotion to the word, devotion to prayer, sharing of the gospel, expecting miracles, and sharing in the fellowship of the suffering of Christ.

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Prophetic Anointing through the lens of reconciliation focuses on learning how God communicates with His people, emphasizing personal interaction between every believer and the Lord. Leading people to consistently be Spirit-led and minister in their day-to-day lives through the heart of the Father, they become more in-tuned with His thoughts and ways. This includes growing in healthy functioning in the gifts of the Spirit, as described in 1 Corinthians 12-14.

Worship through the lens of reconciliation is the laying down of our lives for the honor and glory of the one true God. We worship because of who He is and count all things but lost to gain Christ. Worship is a lifestyle, a walking worthy of the calling of declaring the preeminence of Christ in all things. Far beyond a single modality of expression, worship invites the believer to behold their God.

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Office Hours

      Tuesdays:     9a - 2p

      Thursdays:   9a - 2p


1858 N Commerce Drive

Nixa, MO 65714

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