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Reconciliation Ministry: Walking Through Personal Emotional Healing


Recognizing the need for healing and breakthrough is a significant first step towards walking in the fullness of healing offered through the finished work of the Cross. The goal of this course is to help the individual move from desiring to heal to guiding you through steps and principles of emotional healing from a Biblical worldview. Topics include understanding the two kingdoms, knowing God as judge, dealing with pain, forgiveness, how family relationships and religious doctrines impact our receiving from the Lord, and more. We have included additional video demonstrations and practical, emotional healing tools to apply to your journey, helping you connect on a deeper level with the Lord. All classes and homework are self-paced and do not require contact with the instructor. If at any time you have questions or feel stuck, we have a team waiting to help. They will answer questions and encourage you through the healing journey as needed. The coursework is excellent preparation (but not required) for those new to inner healing concepts, someone considering a season of healing with trained facilitators, or those desiring ongoing training to minister to others.

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